What Do Rabbits Eat? What Foods to Avoid Giving to a Rabbit?

Rabbits are small, furry animals that are known for their adorable appearance and playful behavior and they can eat anything you give them. Lol.

So, you as a responsible bunny owner should know what food are actually safe for your rabbits!

They are also highly popular as pets, and are generally easy to care for as long as they are provided with a balanced and nutritious diet.

What Do Rabbits Eat?

Because of their status as herbivores, rabbits consume only plant material.

In the wild, rabbits will graze on a variety of grasses, herbs, and other leafy greens in order to obtain the nutrients they need to survive. 

Domestic rabbits, on the other hand, may be fed a more varied diet that includes a mix of fresh vegetables, hay, and a small amount of pellets.

Rabbits Love Hay

One of the most important components of a rabbit’s diet is hay. Hay is a type of grass that is high in fiber and low in calories, which makes it an ideal choice for rabbits. 

It is also an important source of roughage, which helps to keep the rabbit’s digestive system functioning properly. 

When selecting hay to give to your rabbit, it is essential to pick a high-quality product that is clean and devoid of dust and other particles. The majority of rabbits have a favorable reaction to timothy hay due to its high nutritional content and the fact that it is typically easy for them to digest.

Rabbits Also Love Vegetables

In addition to hay, rabbits should also be fed a variety of fresh vegetables on a daily basis. 

Some good options include leafy greens such as lettuce, spinach, and kale, as well as vegetables like carrots, bell peppers, and broccoli. 

This is important as one must always introduce new vegetables slowly and in small amounts, as rabbits can be sensitive to sudden changes in their diet.

Rabbits like Pellets Too!

Pellets are another important component of a rabbit’s diet, and should be fed in moderation. 

Pellets are a concentrated source of nutrients that are formulated to meet the specific needs of rabbits, and can be an important supplement to a rabbit’s diet. 

When choosing pellets, you should look for a product that is specifically formulated for rabbits, as other types of animal feed may not provide the nutrients that rabbits need to stay healthy.

Clean Fresh Water!

In addition to hay, vegetables, and pellets, rabbits also need access to clean, fresh water at all times. A water bottle or bowl can be used to provide this, and it is important to keep the water clean and refill it regularly.

Rabbits Love Fruits As Well!

Have you ever met a rabbit that didn’t love a good fruit feast? It’s like they have a sixth sense for all things sweet and juicy! But in all seriousness, it’s actually because rabbits have evolved to love fruits.

You see, in the wild, rabbits are herbivores and they love to munch on all sorts of vegetation, including fruits. Fruits provide them with the essential vitamins and nutrients they need to stay healthy.

If you own a rabbit you might have seen a rabbit’s cute little twitching nose when they catch a whiff of a juicy piece of fruit? It’s like they can smell the sweet, sugary goodness from miles away! And when they finally sink their teeth into that delicious fruit, their little eyes light up like the 4th of July.

Rabbits love fruits because it’s in their DNA, it’s good for them, and it brings a little bit of sweetness to their lives.

What Do Pet Rabbits Eat? 

Domesticated pet rabbits should have access to fresh hay or grass every day as well as a wide variety of fresh vegetables and fruits for optimal nutrition. Many people also add other treats like nuts or seeds into their pet’s diet – just be sure not to overfeed them! 

I would consider a good rule of thumb is that if your rabbit consumes more than 40% of its daily calories from treats then it’s likely too much. 

You should also avoid feeding your pet anything with sugar or salt added since these ingredients can be harmful in large quantities. 

Here is a YouTube video showing what to feed your pet rabbits:

What Do Rabbits Eat in the Wild?

In the wild, rabbits are herbivores only, which means that they rely on a diet that consists solely of plant matter. 

They are known to graze on a variety of grasses, herbs, and other leafy greens in order to obtain the nutrients they need to survive.

Some examples of the types of plants that rabbits might eat in the wild include:


Rabbits are known to graze on a variety of grasses, including species like timothy, orchard grass, and brome grass.

Leafy greens

Rabbits will also eat a variety of leafy greens, such as lettuce, spinach, and kale.


Certain herbs, such as dandelion and clover, are also part of a rabbit’s natural diet.


In some cases, rabbits may also eat flowers, particularly species that are rich in nectar.

Depends on Location

It’s worth noting that rabbits’ diets in the wild might vary from place to place and season to season depending on the availability of food.

Depending on where the wild rabbit lives geographically, its diet may vary from season to season. 

For example, in North America, wild rabbits will feed heavily on spring green grasses during the warmer months before transitioning to seed-heavy diets as winter approaches. 

In general, however, rabbits are adapted to consume a diet that is high in fiber and low in calories, which helps to keep their digestive system functioning properly.

Rabbits in the wild can eat a broad range of plant material, but this doesn’t guarantee they’ll always have enough to eat.

This can lead to fluctuations in their diet, and can make it challenging for them to obtain all of the nutrients they need to stay healthy. 

In contrast, pet rabbits are typically provided with a more consistent and balanced diet that includes hay, fresh vegetables, and a small amount of pellets.

What foods one should avoid giving to a rabbit?

There are certain foods that should be avoided when feeding rabbits, as they can be harmful or toxic to their health. Some examples of foods that should not be given to rabbits include:

High-fat or sugary treats: 

While it is absolutely okay to give rabbits the occasional treat, it is important to avoid high-fat or sugary options. These types of treats can contribute to obesity and dental problems, and should be limited to small amounts.

Cabbage and other brassicas: 

Cabbage, broccoli, and other brassica vegetables contain compounds that can interfere with the absorption of calcium in a rabbit’s diet. These vegetables should be fed in small amounts, if at all.


Avocado contains persin, which is toxic to rabbits and can cause serious health problems.


Chocolate is toxic to rabbits, as it contains theobromine, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and even death in severe cases.

Onions and garlic: 

These vegetables contain compounds that can be toxic to rabbits, and should be avoided.

Dont Feed Spoiled Food

It is also important to avoid feeding rabbits spoiled or moldy food, as this can cause serious health problems. 

In general, my recommendation is it is best to stick to a diet that includes hay, fresh vegetables, and a small amount of pellets, and to avoid giving rabbits any foods that are not specifically formulated for their nutritional needs.

Wrapping Up!

Rabbits are relatively easy to care for when it comes to their diet, as long as they are provided with a balance of hay, fresh vegetables, and a small amount of pellets.

It is also very important to monitor your rabbit’s food intake and to make any necessary adjustments to their diet based on their age, weight, and overall health. By following these guidelines I have pointed out, you can help ensure that your rabbit stays happy and healthy for years to come.

Jacob Mathew

Jacob Mathew, the rabbit guy. He’s been working with those cute little buns for several years and he knows a lot of things about rabbits, if not everything. Jacob loves cats and bunnies more than any other animals. Read my full bio

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