How To Clean A Rabbit? Guide For The Not-So-Professional Rabbit Groomer

So, you’ve become a proud rabbit owner and now you’re wondering, “How do I clean this adorably fluffy creature?” Fear not,  for this guide will walk you through the steps of rabbit grooming, and we promise it’ll be more exciting than watching grass grow!

Know Your Bunny Basics

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of cleaning your rabbit, let’s cover some basic bunny facts. Did you know that rabbits are natural groomers? 

These fluffy creatures dedicate a lot of time to keeping themselves clean, similar to cats. But don’t let this fool you; they still need your help to maintain their fabulous fluffiness.

To Bathe or Not to Bathe

The answer is a resounding “not to bathe!” Rabbits are not huge fans of water (you might have noticed the lack of bunny swim clubs). 

Bathing a rabbit can cause stress, potentially leading to health issues. Instead, we’ll focus on dry cleaning methods, which are safer and won’t turn your bathroom into a splash zone.

A Brush a Day Keeps the Tangles Away

Brushing your bunny is essential to prevent fur matting, minimize shedding, and reduce the risk of hairballs. Here’s a step-by-step guide for brushing your bunny buddy:

Choose the Right Brush

Soft-bristle brushes and slicker brushes work best for rabbits. Pro tip: Avoid wire brushes, as they can hurt your bunny’s sensitive skin.

Find a Comfortable Spot

Make sure both you and your rabbit are in a comfy position. You can place your bunny on your lap or on a non-slip surface, like a towel on a table.

The Brushing Process

Gently brush your rabbit’s fur in the direction it naturally grows. Be extra cautious around the face and ears. It’s a good idea to check for any mats or tangles and gently work them out with your fingers.


How often should you brush your rabbit? Short-haired bunnies need a good brushing once a week, while long-haired rabbits require daily grooming sessions.

Clippity-Clap, Time to Clip Those Nails

Your rabbit’s nails grow faster than a speeding hare! Regular nail trimming is necessary to avoid overgrown nails that can cause discomfort and even injury. Follow these steps for a successful bunny pedicure:

Gather Your Tools

A pair of small animal nail clippers or human nail clippers will do the trick.

Bunny Burrito

Wrap your rabbit in a towel, leaving only the paw you’re trimming exposed. This technique (lovingly called the “bunny burrito”) helps keep your rabbit calm and secure.

The Clipping Process

Hold your rabbit’s paw gently and clip the nail, avoiding the pink area known as the “quick.” Accidentally clipping the quick can cause bleeding and pain. If you’re unsure, clip less rather than more.

Don’t Forget the Dewclaws

Some rabbits have an extra nail called a dewclaw, located on the inner side of their front legs. Make sure to trim these sneaky little nails as well.


Nail trimming should be done every 4-6 weeks. It’s essential to keep an eye on your bunny’s nails to ensure they don’t become too long.

Eye Spy with My Little Eye

Your bunny’s eyes need some love too! Keep an eye out for any discharge or crustiness, which could indicate an infection or illness. Here’s how to clean your rabbit’s eyes:

Use a Soft Cloth

Moisten a clean, soft cloth or cotton ball with warm water.

Gently Wipe

Hold your bunny securely and gently wipe away any discharge or crust from the corner of their eyes, moving outward. Be careful not to poke your rabbit’s eye (nobody wants a one-eyed pirate bunny).

Keep ‘Em Separated

Use a different cloth or cotton ball for each eye to avoid spreading any potential infection.

Those Pesky Bottoms and Their Bits

Your rabbit’s bottom needs occasional cleaning, especially if they’ve got some poop stuck to their fur or they’re a bit on the chubby side. Here’s how to safely clean your bunny’s bottom:

Prepare a Shallow Bath

Fill a shallow container with an inch or two of warm water. Remember, rabbits don’t like water, so keep it shallow!

Lower the Bunny

Gently lower your rabbit into the water, only submerging their bottom. Hold them securely to prevent any sudden escape attempts.

Clean the Area

Using a soft cloth or your fingers, gently remove any stuck feces or dirt from your bunny’s bottom.

Dry Off

Once your rabbit’s bottom is squeaky clean, lift them out of the water and gently pat them dry with a clean towel.

Praise and Treats

Offer your bunny a treat and some praise for being a good sport during their bottom-cleaning session.

The Grand Finale: Bunny Treats and Cuddles

You’ve done it! Your rabbit is now cleaner than a freshly laundered sock. Reward your bunny with their favorite treat and some well-deserved cuddles. Remember, positive reinforcement helps your bunny associate grooming sessions with good things, making future cleanups smoother.

Congratulations! You are now a certified non-professional rabbit groomer. Armed with this knowledge, you and your fluffy companion can enjoy a lifetime of clean, happy, and healthy bunny adventures!


How often should I clean my rabbit’s cage or living area?

It’s essential to clean your rabbit’s cage or living area at least once a week. Spot clean daily by removing any soiled bedding and replacing it with fresh, clean material.

Can I use regular shampoo or soap to clean my rabbit?

No, you should avoid using regular shampoo or soap on your rabbit, as these products can be harmful to their sensitive skin. If absolutely necessary, use a gentle, rabbit-safe shampoo, but remember that rabbits generally don’t need baths.

What should I do if my rabbit has fleas or mites?

If you suspect your rabbit has fleas or mites, consult your veterinarian for appropriate treatment options. Never use over-the-counter flea treatments designed for other animals, as these can be toxic to rabbits.

How do I clean my rabbit’s ears?

Gently clean the outer part of your rabbit’s ears with a soft, damp cloth. Avoid using cotton swabs or putting anything into your rabbit’s ear canal, as this can cause damage.

Can I use a hairdryer to dry my rabbit after cleaning their bottom?

It’s best to avoid using a hairdryer, as the noise and heat can be stressful for your rabbit. Instead, gently pat your bunny dry with a clean towel.

What should I do if my rabbit is shedding excessively?

Increase the frequency of brushing sessions to help remove loose fur and minimize shedding. If you’re concerned about the amount of fur your rabbit is losing, consult your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

How do I clean my rabbit’s scent glands?

Scent glands are located under your rabbit’s chin and around their anus. Gently wipe these areas with a soft, damp cloth to remove any buildup. Be sure to handle your rabbit gently and carefully during this process.

What if my rabbit doesn’t like being groomed?

Patience and positive reinforcement are key. Start slowly, with short grooming sessions, and gradually increase the duration. Offer treats and praise to help your rabbit associate grooming with positive experiences.

Can I use human nail clippers to trim my rabbit’s nails?

Yes, human nail clippers can be used to trim your rabbit’s nails. However, make sure to use a smaller-sized clipper for more precision and control.

How do I know if my rabbit has a skin condition that requires veterinary attention?

If you notice redness, swelling, excessive scratching, hair loss, or scabs on your rabbit’s skin, consult your veterinarian. These symptoms may indicate an infection or other skin issue that requires professional treatment.

Jacob Mathew

Jacob Mathew, the rabbit guy. He’s been working with those cute little buns for several years and he knows a lot of things about rabbits, if not everything. Jacob loves cats and bunnies more than any other animals. Read my full bio

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