How Many Teeth Do Rabbits Have? Dental Anatomy of Rabbits!

Welcome to the wild world of rabbit dentistry! Are you curious about how many teeth these cute and cuddly creatures have? Well, prepare to be mind-boggled because these fluffy bunnies have more chompers than you might expect. 

In fact, they have so many teeth that they could give a shark a run for its money. But don’t worry, these teeth are used for munching on carrots and hay, not chomping on humans. So sit back, relax and get ready to learn all about the toothsome world of rabbits.

How Many Teeth Do Rabbits Have?

Rabbits are small mammals that belong to the family Leporidae. They are herbivores, which means they mainly eat plants. They have a digestive system that is specially adapted to break down tough plant material, and their teeth play a crucial role in this process.

So watch out for the carrots you give with your hand, they might start nibbling on your fingers too!

Types of Teeth in Rabbits

Rabbits have four types of teeth: incisors, premolars, molars, and peg teeth.


These are the front teeth located at the top and bottom of the rabbit’s mouth. They are used for biting and nibbling on food. Rabbits have two pairs of incisors, one on the top jaw and one on the bottom jaw. They are the most visible teeth in a rabbit’s mouth and are long, sharp, and chisel-shaped.


These are located behind the incisors and are used for chewing and grinding food. Rabbits have two pairs of premolars, one on the top jaw and one on the bottom jaw. They are shorter than the incisors and have a pointed shape.


These are located at the back of the rabbit’s mouth and are used for grinding and crushing food. Rabbits have two pairs of molars, one on the top jaw and one on the bottom jaw. They are the largest teeth in a rabbit’s mouth and are flat and ridged.

Peg Teeth

These are located behind the molars and are not visible when the rabbit’s mouth is closed. They are small, cone-shaped teeth that are used to help grind food.

Rabbit Tooth Development and Growth

Rabbits are born without teeth, but they develop their first set of incisors within a few days of birth. These incisors are called “milk teeth.” Now here’s where it gets interesting, as the bunny grows, their milk teeth will be replaced by permanent ones. 

We call this process “tooth eruption” because it’s like a volcano of teeth erupting from their gums. It takes about 8-10 weeks for the permanent teeth to push out the milk teeth, just like how a teenager’s voice changes.

But the fun doesn’t stop there, oh no, these rabbits continue to grow new teeth throughout their lives. So it’s important for them to have a diet that can help wear down their teeth. 

Hay is a great option, it’s high in fiber and helps keep their teeth short, just like how a haircut keeps your hair short. 

Rabbit Tooth Care

Let’s talk a bit about taking care of those precious rabbit chompers. You see, these little guys need to have their teeth checked regularly by a veterinarian, like a dentist appointment for us humans. 

This is to ensure that their teeth are growing properly and to check for any issues. And trust me, dental problems can lead to serious health issues if left untreated, just like how a toothache can ruin your whole day.

So, how do we keep those rabbit teeth healthy? It’s simple! Feed them a diet that is high in fiber. Hay should be available to them at all times, it’s like the rabbit version of gum. 

And don’t forget fresh vegetables and fruits, just like how we need our vitamins and minerals. But, be careful not to feed them high-sugar fruits and processed foods, those are like candy for rabbits and can lead to dental problems.

Here is a video showing how to trim your rabbits teeth:

Final Wrap!! 

Rabbit teeths are constantly growing, allowing them to munch on their favorite snacks without a care in the world. Just like your to-do list, their teeth never seem to end.

Next time you see a rabbit nibbling on a carrot or chomping on a clover, take a moment to appreciate the beauty of their never-ending teeth. 

Check: Why Do Rabbits Thump

Can rabbits brush their own teeth?

Unfortunately, no. They need our help to keep their teeth clean and healthy.

Do rabbits have to go to the dentist?

No, but regular check-ups with a rabbit-savvy vet are important to keep an eye on their teeth.

My rabbit’s teeth seem too long, what should I do?

Their teeth never stop growing, so they need to constantly gnaw on things to keep them at a healthy length. Offer them plenty of hay and chew toys to keep their teeth in check.

Can rabbits get cavities?

No, they don’t get cavities but they can develop dental issues such as malocclusion, which needs to be treated by a veterinarian.

Do rabbits have upper and lower teeth?

Yes, just like us, they have upper and lower teeth that meet when they close their mouths.

My rabbit is drooling, is that normal?

No, it’s not normal. It could be a sign of dental issues, so it’s best to take them to the vet for a check-up.

Can I give my rabbit human toothpaste?

No, human toothpaste is not safe for rabbits. Only use toothpastes specifically designed for rabbits.

Do all rabbits have the same number of teeth?

No, just like people, rabbits can have slightly different numbers of teeth.

Can I use a toothbrush to clean my rabbit’s teeth?

Yes, you can use a soft-bristled toothbrush specifically designed for rabbits to gently brush their teeth.

Can I give my rabbit hard treats to help keep their teeth healthy?

It’s best to stick to hay and chew toys specifically designed for rabbits as hard treats can cause dental issues.

Will my rabbit’s teeth continue to grow for their entire life?

Yes, their teeth never stop growing, so it’s important to provide them with plenty of hay and chew toys to keep their teeth in check throughout their life.

Read: Are Rabbits Rodents?

Jacob Mathew

Jacob Mathew, the rabbit guy. He’s been working with those cute little buns for several years and he knows a lot of things about rabbits, if not everything. Jacob loves cats and bunnies more than any other animals. Read my full bio

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