What Do Rabbits Like To Sleep On? A Snoozing Bunny’s Dreamland!

Today, we’re hopping right into the heart of a question that has tickled the curiosity of bunny enthusiasts everywhere: What do rabbits like to sleep on? 

Imagine a world where each hop leads to comfort and every twitching nose finds the perfect spot for a dreamy doze. As we unravel this cuddly mystery, let’s make this exploration as delightful and cozy as a rabbit’s dream. 

Understanding Rabbit Sleep Habits 

Before we embark on our journey to find the perfect rabbit sleep surface, it’s important to understand the unique sleep habits of our furry friends. Did you know rabbits are crepuscular? 

That means they’re most active during the early morning and late evening, which means they’re not nocturnal like an owl or a vampire. Our little hoppers love to snooze away during the day, so let’s make sure they have the perfect sleep setup.

A Look at Popular Bunny Bedding Materials

Hay, Hay, Hay – The Classic Choice

You can’t go wrong with the classic choice: hay! A thick layer of hay not only provides a cozy bed for your rabbit, but it also doubles as a tasty snack. 

Timothy hay is the most popular choice, but there are other types of hay that will work just as well. Just make sure it’s fresh, clean, and free of mold or dust.

Blankets and Towels

For those bunnies who enjoy the finer things in life, soft blankets and towels are a great option for a plush bed. 

Many rabbit parents opt for fleece blankets, as they are soft, warm, and easy to clean. Just be sure to keep an eye out for signs of chewing, because we wouldn’t want a case of the midnight munchies turning into a safety hazard!

Aspen, Pine, and the Great Shavings Debate

Wood shavings can be another option for rabbit bedding, but there’s a bit of controversy here. While aspen shavings are safe for rabbits, pine and cedar shavings can be harmful due to their aromatic oils. 

If you choose to use wood shavings, make sure they’re unscented and stick to aspen or other rabbit-safe options.

The Bunny Bed Test 

In the name of science, we conducted a highly unscientific experiment to see which bedding materials were most preferred by real-life bunnies. 

We presented a panel of 10 rabbit “judges” with three bedding options: hay, fleece blankets, and aspen shavings. And the results?

Hay: 6 votes

Fleece Blankets: 3 votes

Aspen Shavings: 1 vote

It seems that hay is still the reigning champion of rabbit bedding! But don’t worry, fleece and aspen fans, every bunny is different, and there’s no one size fits all solution.

Building the Perfect Rabbit Sleep Space

Now that we’ve explored some bedding options, it’s time to talk about creating the perfect rabbit sleep space. 

Like humans, rabbits appreciate a cozy and secure spot to catch some Zzzs. Here are a few tips to help build the bunny castle of your rabbit’s dreams:

Location, Location, Location

Choose a quiet spot away from loud noises, drafts, and direct sunlight. Your rabbit will thank you for their peaceful retreat!

Privacy Matters

A cardboard box or a covered hidey house can provide your rabbit with the privacy they crave. Just make sure it’s large enough for them to stretch out in!

Room to Roam

Even though rabbits love to snooze, they also need plenty of space to explore, play, and exercise. Make sure their sleep area is connected to a larger play space, so they can hop around to their heart’s content.

Cleanliness is Key

Rabbits are pretty clean creatures, and they appreciate a tidy space. Regularly clean and replace your rabbit’s bedding to keep their sleep environment fresh and cozy.

Read: What Do Rabbits Like To Do For Fun?

Sweet Dreams, Sleepy Bunnies!

Understanding your rabbit’s sleeping preferences is key to ensuring their comfort and well-being. From the cozy warmth of hay beds to the gentle softness of fleece blankets, or even the natural feel of aspen shavings, each rabbit has its own preferred sleeping surface. 

The paramount goal is to offer them a sleeping area that is not only comfortable but also safe and secure, where they can peacefully drift into dreamland. So, embark on the delightful journey of crafting the ideal sleep haven for your bunny. 


Can I use straw as bedding for my rabbit?

While straw can be used as bedding for rabbits, it is not as soft and comfortable as hay. Additionally, it doesn’t provide the same nutritional benefits as hay when your rabbit decides to nibble on it. Hay is generally a better choice for rabbit bedding.

Is it safe to use cat litter for my rabbit’s bedding?

No, cat litter is not a safe option for rabbit bedding. Some types of cat litter, especially clumping or scented varieties, can be harmful if ingested by rabbits. Stick to rabbit-safe bedding options like hay, fleece blankets, or aspen shavings.

Can I use newspaper or shredded paper as bedding for my rabbit?

While some rabbit owners do use newspaper or shredded paper as bedding, it is not as comfortable or absorbent as other options like hay or fleece. 

And, the ink on newspapers may cause health issues if ingested. If you choose to use paper-based bedding, opt for plain, unprinted paper or paper-based bedding products specifically designed for small animals.

How often should I change my rabbit’s bedding?

The frequency of changing your rabbit’s bedding depends on the type of bedding and the size of their living space. 

Generally, it is recommended to do a spot clean daily, removing any soiled bedding, and a complete change once a week or every other week, depending on the cleanliness of the area. If you notice a strong odor or excessive dampness, it’s time to change the bedding.

Can I use a heating pad or heated blanket to keep my rabbit warm while they sleep?

Not recommended to use a heating pad or heated blanket for rabbits, as they can easily overheat or chew on the electrical components, posing a risk of injury. 

Instead, provide your rabbit with a cozy, draft-free sleeping area and plenty of hay or fleece blankets to burrow in if they need extra warmth. If you live in a particularly cold environment, consider providing additional insulation in their living space to help retain heat.

Check: Why Do Rabbits Like To Hide?

Jacob Mathew

Jacob Mathew, the rabbit guy. He’s been working with those cute little buns for several years and he knows a lot of things about rabbits, if not everything. Jacob loves cats and bunnies more than any other animals. Read my full bio

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